Chicken and beef skewers with pumpkin and red rice de 280 Kcal
Compartida por:
Avena Health
🔥 Calorías:
280 Kcal
🥑 Grasas:
9.3 g
🍞 Carbohidratos:
31.1 g
🍗 Proteínas:
19.6 g
Ajusta las porciones de cada ingrediente de acuerdo a tu plan asignado por tu especialista, si utilizas la app las porciones se calculan en automático.
4 -
1 -
1/2 cup
30 grams
35 grams
1 pieza
1/4 cup
1/3 -
Garlic glove
- Cut the chicken breast and meat into cubes season with salt and pepper.
- Cut the onion into a coarse piece, tomato cherry in half, and the pumpkin into slices.
- Add to the toothpick alternating chicken, meat and vegetables.
- In a preheated pan add a little oil spray put the skewers until they are ready to roast
- Serve with rice and avocado slices.
- Wash and measure a cup of brown rice.
- In 3 cups of water add tomato, onion, garlic and salt.
- Blend the ingredients.
- Add the mix in a pot, when it starts to boil add the rice and cover over low heat to finish cooking.
- Take only the indicated portion
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