Beef, potato and veg puree de 135 Kcal
Beef, potato and veg puree de 135 Kcal

Beef, potato and veg puree de 135 Kcal


🔥 Calorías:

135 Kcal

🥑 Grasas:

1.1 g

🥔 Carbohidratos:

21.6 g

🍗 Proteínas:

10.9 g


Ajusta las porciones de cada ingrediente de acuerdo a tu plan asignado por tu especialista, si utilizas la app las porciones se calculan en automático.

1 pieza


  1. Add the beef to a cooking pot with boiling water so that it is fully covered. Boil for 30-40 minutes, until the meat is thoroughly cooked. Reserve part of the cooking water to add to the puree later.
  2. Wash and peal the zucchini, squash and potato, then chop into small cubes. Steam the zucchini and squash for 10-15 minutes until soft. Boil the potato for 15 minutes until soft.
  3. Blend the beef, potato and vegetables with some cooking water to obtain a smooth consistency or shred the beef and mash the potato and veg for a lumpier puree, depending on the consistency your baby is eating.
  4. You may feed each ingredient separately if you prefer.
  5. Serve warm.

Tabla nutricional para Beef, potato and veg puree

Fibra 2.9 g
Ácido ascorbico 16.77 mg
Potasio 238.1 mg
Calcio 23.28 mg
Grasas monoinsaturadas 0.45 g
Hierro no hemático 0.5 mg
Sodio 21.61 mg
Carga Glicémica 36.7
Grasas poliinsaturadas 0.16 g
Selenio 5.7 mg
Grasas saturadas 0.39 g
Colesterol 17.4 mg
Vitamina A 41.7 mg
Acido Fólico 100.6 mg
Azúcar 0.6 g
Hierro Hemínico 0.53 mg
Índice Glicémico 54
Fósforo 112.31 mg
Vitamina B6 0.15 mg
Vitamina B12 0.89 mcg
Magnesio 7.5 mg
Tiamina 0.03 mg
Riboflavina 0.06 mg
Niacina 1.21 mg
Folato 2.7 mcg
Zinc - mg
Lípidos 1.1 g
Carbohidratos 21.6 g
Proteinas 10.9 g

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