Strawberry jam and chocolate rolls de 237 Kcal
Strawberry jam and chocolate rolls de 237 Kcal

Strawberry jam and chocolate rolls de 237 Kcal


🔥 Calorías:

237 Kcal

🥑 Grasas:

11.2 g

🥔 Carbohidratos:

27.7 g

🍗 Proteínas:

9.7 g


Ajusta las porciones de cada ingrediente de acuerdo a tu plan asignado por tu especialista, si utilizas la app las porciones se calculan en automático.

1/3 -
3/4 -
2 tablespoons of plain yogurt
1 teaspoon of grounded cinnamon
1 tablespoon of cacao powder
Olive oil


  1. Mix the egg and cinnamon in a bowl
  2. Dip the bread in the egg mix, take it to a pan previously heated with the olive oil. Let it until it's brown on both sides.
  3. For the jam, add to a pan the wahed strawberries, let them in low fire until its consistency is as a jam. Let it cool for 2-3 minutes.
  4. For the chocolate, mix 1/2 of avocado and the cacao powder in a blender or food processor.
  5. Take the bread, add plain yogurt on top, then the jam and the chocolate. Roll it up and let it cool in the fridge for 20 minutes. Cut the rolls in half or in 4.
  6. Preparation time: 40 minutes
  7. Enjoy!

Tabla nutricional para Strawberry jam and chocolate rolls

Fibra 5.9 g
Ácido ascorbico 100.07 mg
Potasio 510.78 mg
Calcio 47.92 mg
Grasas monoinsaturadas 0.89 g
Hierro no hemático 2.06 mg
Sodio 151.16 mg
Carga Glicémica 13.5
Grasas poliinsaturadas 1.12 g
Selenio - mg
Grasas saturadas 1.05 g
Colesterol - mg
Vitamina A 63.52 mg
Acido Fólico 88.76 mg
Azúcar 8.1 g
Hierro Hemínico - mg
Índice Glicémico 54
Fósforo 109.99 mg
Vitamina B6 0.13 mg
Vitamina B12 - mcg
Magnesio 43.08 mg
Tiamina 0.12 mg
Riboflavina 0.08 mg
Niacina 1.61 mg
Folato 52.34 mcg
Zinc - mg
Lípidos 11.2 g
Carbohidratos 27.7 g
Proteinas 9.7 g

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