Baked chicken with lemon and sweet potato de 259.2 Kcal
Baked chicken with lemon and sweet potato de 259.2 Kcal

Baked chicken with lemon and sweet potato de 259.2 Kcal


🔥 Calorías:

259.2 Kcal

🥑 Grasas:

8.2 g

🥔 Carbohidratos:

27.4 g

🍗 Proteínas:

20.4 g


Ajusta las porciones de cada ingrediente de acuerdo a tu plan asignado por tu especialista, si utilizas la app las porciones se calculan en automático.

1/2 cup
1 teaspoon
1 clove of garlic, 3 lemons, 1 teaspoon mustard dijon, 1 teaspoon honey
2 branches of fresh thyme, black pepper and salt


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 ºC. Remove excess fat from the breast and thigh of the chicken and place in a baking pan. Wash the sweet potato and make a horizontal cut. Place in another saucepan and put in the oven for 1 hour checking every half hour its cooking. Once they are cooked, peel them off and serve with salt to taste.
  2. Squeeze the juice of two or three lemons until you have about 60 ml of liquid, preferably on a strainer to collect the seeds that may have. Add mustard, olive oil, honey, herbs, salt and pepper. Mix well.
  3. Peel the onion and clove of garlic. Cut into slices 1 lemon previously washed. Cut the onion into quarters and chop the garlic clove. Spread the onion, garlic, lemons and thyme over and around the chicken.
  4. Cover with the sauce liquid evenly and put in the oven for 30 minutes, turn the pan and water the chicken with the juices from the bottom. Raise the temperature to 200 ºC and continue cooking for about 15 minutes, or until the skin is well browned. Let stand for a few minutes before serving.

Tabla nutricional para Baked chicken with lemon and sweet potato

Fibra 6.6 g
Ácido ascorbico 36.76 mg
Potasio 1315.6 mg
Calcio 189.35 mg
Grasas monoinsaturadas 4.41 g
Hierro no hemático 2.73 mg
Sodio 96.87 mg
Carga Glicémica -
Grasas poliinsaturadas 1.29 g
Selenio 11.4 mg
Grasas saturadas 1.37 g
Colesterol 54.8 mg
Vitamina A 1295.14 mg
Acido Fólico 113.51 mg
Azúcar - g
Hierro Hemínico 0.7 mg
Índice Glicémico -
Fósforo 250.69 mg
Vitamina B6 0.09 mg
Vitamina B12 11.6 mcg
Magnesio - mg
Tiamina 0.02 mg
Riboflavina 0.02 mg
Niacina 0.17 mg
Folato 0.53 mcg
Zinc - mg
Lípidos 8.2 g
Carbohidratos 27.4 g
Proteinas 20.4 g

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