Mushroom tacos de 374.2 Kcal
Mushroom tacos de 374.2 Kcal

Mushroom tacos de 374.2 Kcal


🔥 Calorías:

374.2 Kcal

🥑 Grasas:

9.81 g

🥔 Carbohidratos:

61.3 g

🍗 Proteínas:

14.1 g


Ajusta las porciones de cada ingrediente de acuerdo a tu plan asignado por tu especialista, si utilizas la app las porciones se calculan en automático.

1 teaspoon
1 tablespoon
Jalapeño pepper


  1. TO COOK THE BEANS: Rinse and leave soaking for 12 hours. At the end of soaking, these should already be relatively soft. Drain the soaking water. Place the soaked beans in a pot and add fresh water. Water should exceed 3 times the portion of beans. Add 1/2 onion and 2 cloves of garlic. Cook over high heat and when the water boils, cover the pot and continue cooking for approx. 2 hours until the beans are completely soft and have a soup consistency (if you use an express pot they will be ready in 1 hour). Stir occasionally. ** Do not allow the water to be below the level of the beans to prevent them from burning. Add more boiling water if necessary.
  2. Slice the mushroom into slices and the purple cabbage into thin strips.
  3. Blend 1 chipotle pepper marinated with the cream and a little water. Season with a little salt.
  4. Pour oil over a hot pan and place 1 clove of chopped garlic and mushroom. Season with a pinch of food. Cook for 4 minutes, then add the chipotle sauce and mix.
  5. Heat the tortilla and add the whole beans and mushroom. Then add cabbage, coriander and jalapeño to taste.
  6. Accompany tacos with orange for dessert.
  7. Enjoy!

Tabla nutricional para Mushroom tacos

Fibra 13.9 g
Ácido ascorbico 114.7 mg
Potasio 1024.26 mg
Calcio 170.86 mg
Grasas monoinsaturadas 3.89 g
Hierro no hemático 3.73 mg
Sodio 20.87 mg
Carga Glicémica 32
Grasas poliinsaturadas 1.27 g
Selenio 1 mg
Grasas saturadas 3.04 g
Colesterol 10.7 mg
Vitamina A 60.86 mg
Acido Fólico 198.84 mg
Azúcar 14.6 g
Hierro Hemínico - mg
Índice Glicémico 137
Fósforo 238.46 mg
Vitamina B6 0.3 mg
Vitamina B12 - mcg
Magnesio 32.53 mg
Tiamina 0.24 mg
Riboflavina 0.47 mg
Niacina 4.02 mg
Folato 70.56 mcg
Zinc - mg
Lípidos 9.81 g
Carbohidratos 61.3 g
Proteinas 14.1 g

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