Salmon with sweet potato puree de 249.2 Kcal
Salmon with sweet potato puree de 249.2 Kcal

Salmon with sweet potato puree de 249.2 Kcal


🔥 Calorías:

249.2 Kcal

🥑 Grasas:

12.36 g

🥔 Carbohidratos:

25 g

🍗 Proteínas:

10.9 g


Ajusta las porciones de cada ingrediente de acuerdo a tu plan asignado por tu especialista, si utilizas la app las porciones se calculan en automático.

1 teaspoon
30.0 gramos
1/3 -
Dill, ginger and garlic powder


  1. Cook the peeled sweet potato by steaming it or in a pot of boiling water for 30 minutes or until it's soft (you can easily insert a fork).
  2. Then mash the sweet potato with a fork, forming a puree. Season with a pinch of salt and garlic powder, and add 1/2 teaspoon of peeled and grated ginger.
  3. Pat dry the salmon with a paper towel and season it with salt, pepper, and dried dill. In a pan with olive oil, cook the salmon for 3 minutes on each side (or until it's cooked to your preference). Serve the salmon on a plate.
  4. While the salmon is cooking, steam the green beans for 5-10 minutes or until they are tender.
  5. Serve the salmon with the sweet potato puree, green beans, and some slices of avocado. Garnish with chopped chives.
  6. Enjoy!

Tabla nutricional para Salmon with sweet potato puree

Fibra 5 g
Ácido ascorbico 20 mg
Potasio 302.23 mg
Calcio 23.41 mg
Grasas monoinsaturadas 4.08 g
Hierro no hemático 1.39 mg
Sodio 13.5 mg
Carga Glicémica 2.9
Grasas poliinsaturadas 1.28 g
Selenio 8.87 mg
Grasas saturadas 1.55 g
Colesterol - mg
Vitamina A 1216.2 mg
Acido Fólico 52.76 mg
Azúcar - g
Hierro Hemínico - mg
Índice Glicémico 48
Fósforo 71.09 mg
Vitamina B6 0.02 mg
Vitamina B12 - mcg
Magnesio 14.4 mg
Tiamina 0.08 mg
Riboflavina 0.02 mg
Niacina 0.35 mg
Folato 26 mcg
Zinc - mg
Lípidos 12.36 g
Carbohidratos 25 g
Proteinas 10.9 g

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